Patient Mental Health Resources

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Mental health resources

At Otsuka, we know no one can do it alone. Supporting your mental health is important to us. Here are just some of the many resources and organizations doing important work through community building, research, and advocacy that can help connect you with the mental health community and give you more information on mental health.

Society of Valued Minds
Society of Valued Minds is a mental health platform created by Otsuka for 18- to 24-year-old members to fight stigma, educate people about mental health conditions, and create a safe space where everyone can share their own experiences through self-expression.

Whether you live with a mental health condition or care for someone who does, the Society of Valued Minds Instagram page @societyofvaluedminds offers a range of uplifting and informative content to support your journey:

  • Learn about mental health conditions
  • See individuals who process their mental health through self-expression
  • Participate in Instagram Live conversations about mental health struggles and support
  • Collaborations with like-minded organizations working to support mental health

To learn more about our mission and access additional mental health resources, visit To join the community, follow @societyofvaluedminds on Instagram.







Otsuka Patient Education Network (OPEN)
Provides firsthand perspectives and insights from those living with certain diseases and disorders. Also includes news, events, and the opportunity to join the OPEN community.

My Mental Health Crisis Plan App*
Designed to help empower and guide your treatment preferences during a mental health crisis.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)*
Provides advocacy, education, support, and public awareness to help those affected by mental illness.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)*
Supports and conducts research on mental illness and the underlying basic science of the brain and behavior.

Clubhouse International*
Helps people living with mental illness around the world regain a respected place in society through work, education, wellness, and community.

*These are just some of the independent third-party organizations that may offer services or support that are relevant to appropriate patients. These organizations are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by Otsuka Patient Support.

Brain health resources

Otsuka recognizes that brain conditions can be impossible for patients and caregivers to navigate without outside support. Drawing from a wealth of experience, the below organizations can connect you to education, resources, and community.*


Patient Resource Connections 
Search by ZIP code for transportation, medical services, care at home, and other local healthcare-related resources.

Otsuka Patient Education Network (OPEN) 
OPEN provides firsthand perspectives and insights from those living with certain diseases and disorders. It also includes news, events, and the opportunity to join the OPEN community.

Global Council on Alzheimer's and Dementia (GCAD) 
The Global Council on Alzheimer’s Disease (GCAD) was formed in 2014 by Otsuka to serve communities affected by Alzheimer’s disease. GCAD brings together leaders from advocacy, caregiving, medicine, technology, and more to co-create opportunities for people living with dementia and care partners to share their experiences. Today, GCAD focuses on overcoming the stigma associated with behavioral symptoms of Alzheimer’s and creating better care for people of all communities and backgrounds.

Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) 
AFA is a nationwide organization that provides support, services, and education to individuals, families, and caregivers affected by Alzheimer's and related dementias.

Us Against Alzheimer's 
This organization works to promote earlier detection, diagnosis, and intervention, and to drive changes that matter most to caregivers and people living with Alzheimer's.

Alzheimer's Association 
The Alzheimer’s Association is a worldwide organization founded on inclusivity and equality. It's committed to bringing education, resources, advocacy, and support to all those affected by Alzheimer’s Dementia and other related dementias.

*These are just some of the independent third-party organizations that may offer services or support that are relevant to appropriate patients. These organizations are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by Otsuka Patient Support.

Kidney conditions

Supporting patients with kidney disease is a priority at Otsuka, and your kidney health is important to us. Here are some resources and organizations to help connect you with the kidney health community and get you more information on kidney health.

Otsuka Patient Education Network (OPEN) 
Provides firsthand perspectives and insights from those living with certain diseases and disorders. Also includes news, events, and the opportunity to join the OPEN community.

National Kidney Foundation (NKF)* 
Provides useful information and resources for people living with kidney disease. 

American Kidney Foundation (AKF)* 
Provides financial support to patients in need by delivering programs that educate, build awareness, and drive advocacy.

Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation* 
Dedicated to patients living with polycystic kidney disease (PKD), and funding research, education, advocacy, support, and awareness on a national and local level.

Life Options* 
Research-based education about disease symptoms and risk factors, and information on disease management options.

*These are just some of the independent third-party organizations that may offer services or support that are relevant to appropriate patients. These organizations are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by Otsuka Patient Support.