Insurance resources

Insurance resources

Learn about Medicare

Medicare is a health insurance program from the government for people aged 65 years and older, certain younger people with disabilities, and anyone with end-stage renal disease. It’s never too early to learn about Medicare and what it can mean for your health journey.*

Medicare Guide  
Learn about the different parts of Medicare (A, B, C, and D), what to expect about Medicare costs, how Medicaid may be able to help, and important terms to know. View the Medicare Guide in Spanish (En Español).

Medicare Open Enrollment Guide  
Learn about Medicare open enrollment, a period of time each year when you can make changes to your Medicare plan. View the Medicare Open Enrollment Guide in Spanish (En Español).

Most Helpful Medicare Links  
This collection of phone numbers and websites can help you learn more about Medicare, how to enroll, and where to ask for help.

Medicare Part D: Prescription Drug Coverage  
Learn more about getting prescription drug coverage through Medicare with this helpful resource that explains costs, how to choose a plan, and when to enroll.

Medicare Tiering Exceptions  
Every Medicare Part D plan sorts covered prescription drugs into groups called "tiers," which determine how much they cost. Learn about tiers and how requesting a "tiering exception" may help you save on your costs.

The Medicare Prescription Payment Plan (MPPP)  
With the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan (MPPP) program, you may be able to make monthly payments to your prescription drug plan instead of paying at the pharmacy for each prescription.

Medicare Extra Help (Low-Income Subsidy)  
Learn about the Medicare Extra Help program, also known as Low-Income Subsidy (LIS). This program may be able to help lower your Medicare costs. View the Medicare Extra Help in Spanish (En Español).

Affordability Resources for California Residents  
If you live in California, these resources may be able to help you find ways to save on your health insurance costs.

*Any independent third-party organizations in this list may offer services or support that are relevant to appropriate patients. These organizations are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by Otsuka Patient Support.